My Wild Mind
It is usually the little things that spark a thought or curiosity in my mind. A simple situation that becomes a metaphor for lessons and pondering. Take a little peek inside my wild mind to see what’s inspiring my work, and how creativity and mindfulness are being integrated into my everyday life. I hope you find something that sparks an insight! Read on. WorkDeep.
Transition? Transformation?
My husband moved to Texas. Was this just going to be a transition or would I open up to transformation?
Generosity in Relationship
A reflection on how a friend exemplified how generosity in its fullness is in relationship
Being Present to Transitions
Transitions, even those that are subtle, a part of our routine, or just seen as something to get through, are all part of life and need to be seen. Do we give them the space and reflection that could turn them into blessings in disguise?
True North + My Simple Rules
Living True North means listening and acting simultaneously from a quiet grounded place, a vibrant in the sky place and an energetic spiritual place. As I enter the path of uncertainty, I enter with an open heart.
Three Ways to Access Your Full Wisdom
As you consider what you need, consider listening to your bodily sensations, your energy/spirit, and your thoughts - with full attention and awareness.
Reflecting on Intentions Versus Commitments
An intention is your hope to do something. A commitment is when we act on our intention. Commitment is only secured through action and requires practice.
A Valentine’s Day Perspective
Showing love is a moment by moment practice. Valentine’s Day is an official day to reach out, but it’s the day-to-day love we show that really leaves an impact.
Simple Rules Discovered on the Camino
Three simple rules keep showing up when I reflect on what the Camino taught me.
Self-care and a 28-Liter Backpack
Where in your journey do you need to have a clearer intention? One that gives you the focus of lightening your load. Choose, and choose as a path of self-care. Lighten your load.
Self-care…Selfish or Soulfish?
For many of us, self-care feels selfish. We have in our mind it takes too much time, we’ll have to give up sleep, we just can’t do it…the list goes on and on. There are so many thoughts and perspectives that keep us from self-care. What if we switched the word “selfish” to “soulfish”?
Get Buzzed on Self-care in the Present Moment
As I started exploring self-care for myself and listening to my clients and friends, I noticed something. You’ll recognize self-care because it gives you a “buzz.” A buzz that doesn’t need something external but taps into something internal.
Turn the Grind into a Game
We often try to get through the grind, gritting our teeth, trying to grin and bear it. So, next time you are feeling like you are just grinding away, ask yourself, “What are my values? How might I turn this task into something more aligned with what fuels me?”
Giving Grace
What does giving grace look like now? How do you show grace and inspire team members to do their best? How are you holding them responsible while giving some grace?
Taking Shelter and Letting Go: Tornadoes and Teachers
What energy are you giving off in times of chaos or urgency? Are you calm? Are you agitated? Are you trying to control the situation?
The Wisdom of Puzzles: Five Ways to Approach a Challenge
What can you learn from a puzzle? What does it teach you about hitting obstacles and challenging times?
Listening is Loving
Do you really listen? I mean, full-on, 100% attentive listening? Most of us don’t, even when we think we do.
The Year of RENEW
Each year on my birthday, I choose a word. A word I explore, play with, and learn from throughout that year of my life.