Turn the Grind into a Game
Recently I was facilitating a leadership program with eight leaders who work in manufacturing and quality. They work for a company that makes the stuff that goes into drugs, including the COVID vaccine. (Yes, “stuff” is my technical term. ☺) They work hard long days, multiple shifts, and are essential workers. I’m grateful that their organization values their learning and leadership, even when they are busy, short-staffed, and some days barely holding on.
Taking time to “retreat” is essential self-care and knowing your company is investing in you can boost your loyalty. During our Resiliency module, we explored meditation, self-care, aligning to your values, emotional intelligence, naming/taming our emotions, and what boosts and drains our energy. Many small ways to turn the grind into a game.
Many ways to shift the energy.
I shared that sometimes just a change of scenery can help me shift my attitude, mood, and energy. For example, when I’m feeling low energy about doing a project, I’ll move out of my office and work outside, or in my breakfast nook. They also shared ways they boost their energy – snuggle with a cat, play some music (mine is “September” by Earth Wind and Fire!), or take a walk around the block. Location is one way to shift the grind to a game.
Consider your values.
We discussed understanding values, how they impact your energy, and then they generated even more ways to boost their energy. For example, one of my values is “creativity/self-expression.” Recently I had to make a request of a group (and dreaded asking). I decided to make a fun little video instead of writing a boring email. I did the task, but did it with my flare and creativity - It was fun! One of my leadership program participants responded, “So, you turned the grind into a game!” YES - exactly!!
We often try to get through the grind, gritting our teeth, trying to grin and bear it. Approaching work this way can drain us further. So, next time you are feeling like you are just grinding away, ask yourself, “What are my values? How might I turn this task into something more aligned with what fuels me?” You might end up asking your child to give you their perspective on something you wrote, or you may call a colleague instead of emailing them a question, or perhaps you will make your next report gorgeous with images and animation. Whatever it is, turn the grind into a game and play with options!
My challenge to you: Find little ways to turn the grind into a game - a game of living your values. It’s a fun game to play! And please drop me a line to let me know how you turned a grind into a game – happy gaming!