Get Buzzed on Self-care in the Present Moment
This is my first in a series of blog posts on self-care. I started writing this weeks ago and it just kept expanding and expanding. It was meant to be one post, and while writing, I learned so much about myself and the depth and meaning of self-care.
You might see self-care simply as those things we do for pleasure or for our health. Yes, that is part of it, and I find that perspective often keeps us from truly caring for ourselves. If we see it only as a whole new workout routine, a long vacation, something that must be planned for, or something, “I don’t have time for,” it doesn’t feel like self-care at all. It feels like a burden. I believe self-care is something that lightens us, brings us joy, and gives us a “buzz.”
As I started exploring self-care for myself and listening to my clients and friends, I noticed something. You’ll recognize self-care because it gives you a “buzz.” A buzz that doesn’t need something external but taps into something internal. A buzz that comes from living in alignment with your deeper inner wisdom, your values, your deeper sense of self – too deep for just one blog post! So, today I start with getting buzzed on self-care by being in the present. What does self-care look like in the moment? Let me give you a little window into one of my morning journal entries. This morning I woke up and wrote this:
Self-care is waking up and taking a moment to be grateful before getting out of bed.
Self-care is stretching while I wait for the espresso to pour.
Self-care is breaking my routine and journaling before my spiritual readings.
Self-care is sitting outside with my coffee and not checking the news.
Self-care is snuggling for a moment with my puppy before I check email.
Self-care is ten minutes on a personal project before I start work projects.
Self-care is opening the Merlin bird sound app to discover who is making that beautiful song (If you haven’t experienced the Merlin bird app – check it out!)
I felt a little rush of exhilaration (the “buzz”) with each choice. They didn’t take much time at all, yet I was present and noticing my little desires versus being on autopilot. And I let myself do them. I learned, staying in the present and following little desires is self-care. It isn’t about big time, but little moments. And frankly, the rest of my day I was so much more productive and energized!
Self-care can be as simple as staying in the present and following the simplest desire. You notice yourself. I believe self-care is self-love. And the world needs more self-love.
So, why not give it a try? Take one morning and slow it down just a bit. What do you notice in the present moment and what are your little desires? Maybe for you, it will be putting on that yummy smelling lotion that makes you feel good, or a walk to the garbage barefoot so you can feel the grass under your feet, or maybe get your heart rate up with 20 jumping jacks? Maybe for you, it’s watering the plants more slowly so you can see the shape of the leaves more closely or listening to music in the shower. What little desires, in the moment as you live life, do you notice you have that are for you? Give it a go. Take one morning and just notice.
Get buzzed on self-care…self-love.
Stay tuned! Next blog, “Am I being selfish, or soulfish?”