What WorkDeep Is All About
Let’s face it, the way we are working, is not working. Nearly 66% of Americans lack engagement with their work. And that’s 66% too many.
I was that statistic once and a pivotal life moment opened me to see the broader possibilities to how we live and work. I knew work could be more fun. I knew leaders could impact real change. So I created WorkDeep.
WorkDeep is about the belief that there is more to life than the daily grind of burning at both ends, feeling undervalued and underskilled, ignoring dysfunctional work relationships, or yawning our way through meetings. WorkDeep is about tapping into the authenticity, curiosity, and creativity of leaders—while training on ways to bring the engagement and fulfillment back to their workplace. The deep work is worth it.
In Good Company
Here are some companies I have been fortunate enough to work with.

A Bit About Me
I have always been fascinated by what makes people tick. This is why I studied psychology in college, human development in graduate school, and pursued multiple certifications in areas that help people and human systems excel.
But lots of people have degrees. What makes my approach special is my experience. My career path has woven through the corporate world, entrepreneurship, and founding a nonprofit homeless theater company. It has always been driven by my values, sense of adventure, and call to purpose. The aliveness in me is real and visceral. And I want to make it so for you.
Check out my cred
I’m not just fun, but have the cred to back it up. It might just make the bosses more confident in my results.

A Peek Beyond the Professional
Here are six ways I’ve brought more joy into my work.
Sound like just the right mix of crazy and awesome? We should probably talk.
Let’s find a time to talk.