Look to the future, but stay in the present…


Today, I was walking my dog Leo on the icy sidewalks. Leo is old, and has hip dysplasia and arthritis, so we were taking it very slowly. I was very, very careful, helping him navigate the really slippery spots. A tumble for Leo could be very serious. He kept tugging to walk further than I was comfortable, but I let him lead.After a while, I found my mind drifting off into the future, fueled by my morning journaling. I love thinking about future possibilities and goals. Not 90 seconds into that daydream, I felt a tug on the leash. I turned around and Leo was flat on his belly with all four legs splayed out, unable to get up! I snapped back into the present, carefully lifting him and making sure his back legs were still working. He was a trooper and kept walking. Whew!As I continued to walk home I realized how important it is to stay present in the here and now.The end of a year, and beginning of a new one, is a great time for reflection. What went well for you? What do you wish would have been different? What does that mean for you in the coming year?Enjoy the fun of setting your North Star for the year, but don’t forget that it is your hour-by-hour actions and behaviors that set the path of living the life you want.As you reflect on 2018, may you do so with gratefulness, no matter what happened, and be open to the possibilities of 2019. Be gentle with yourself and act your way into your dreams.


What’s the 2% truth?


Scattered… or Filled with Possibility?